This tool estimates calf muscle strength-endurance during the Heel Rise Endurance Test (HRET) assessed with the Calf Raise Application. The normative values are based on data from a large international database.


To estimate normative values for calf muscle strength-endurance assessed using the Calf Raise Application.

How to use
When to use
Pearls / Pitfalls

Download the Calf Raise application on your device. Follow the instructions in the application. Make sure the Heel Rise Endurance Test (HRET) is performed using a standardized protocol.

Please also see: Updated reliability and normative values for the standing heel-rise test in healthy adults (ScienceDirect).

When evaluating calf-muscle strength endurance upon the single-leg HRET expressed in metrics such as the number of repetitions, total work (in Joule) or peak height (in cm).

The reference values provided by this calculator are based on patient characteristics which may help you to improve personalised healthcare. However, the normative values were derived exclusively from the Calf Raise Application. This application has demonstrated excellent reliability, but results of this calculator may not translate directly to normative values for other methods of assessing the HRET. See our full disclaimer below.

Heel Rise Endurance Test Tool

Example of the Calf Raise Application.

A round sticker with a diameter of 2.5 cm is placed just below the distal tip of the lateral malleolus of the participant. The Calf Raise Application allows for tracking of this sticker. As the participant goes up, the heel with the adjusted sticker moves upwards and forwards in the screen.

example of the Calf Raise Application
* PAL key:
1 =
Hardly any physical activity
2 =
Mostly sitting, sometimes walk, easy tasks/play
3 =
Light physical activity for about 2-4 times a week (e.g., fishing, talking, dancing)
4 =
Moderate exercise 1-2 hours a week (jogging, swimming, gymnastics)
5 =
Moderate exercise at least 3 hours a week (jogging, swimming, gymnastics)
6 =
Hard or very hard exercise regularly and several times a week during which the physical exercise is great (jogging, rugby, football)


Please fill out all required fields.


The Heel Rise Endurance Test Tool provided on this website is based on a large international cross-sectional study which has not yet been peer reviewed. Parts of the calculator and web page are subject to change after publication of the article deriving from this study. The tool is designed for informational purposes and is intended for use by individuals seeking to estimate calf muscle strength-endurance. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation.

For Healthcare Professionals: Healthcare professionals who utilize this tool should exercise their clinical judgment when interpreting the results and should not solely rely on the information provided here for diagnostic or treatment decisions.

For Consumers (Non-Medical Professionals): Individuals without medical training who use this tool do so at their own risk. Anyone with a medical condition or health concern is strongly advised to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions related to their health or initiating any form of treatment.

While we have taken care to develop this tool to meet relevant standards, please be aware that medical knowledge and practices evolve over time. It is essential for medical professionals to consult multiple sources and stay updated with the latest advancements in their field.

The content presented on this website, including text, graphics, and images, is provided for informational purposes only. We do not endorse any specific medical tests, healthcare providers, products, or treatment methods.

Your reliance on the information and content obtained through this website is entirely at your own risk. We disclaim any liability or responsibility for any harm, including injury, that may arise from your use of any product, information, idea, or instruction provided on this website or through the services offered here.

Before making any healthcare decisions or taking any actions based on the results of this tool, we strongly encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific medical needs.

By using this Heel Rise Endurance Test Tool, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using this tool.

Erasmus MC
University of Leicester
University of Waikato